Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals - Regular Session

DATE: April 6, 2022•   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Consideration of Minutes

E.    Unfinished Business

F.     New Business

Variance #2246 Mark P & Kristian B Lambright- Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30- Kennel Standards) to allow less the UDO required setback of 200' from the exercise yard (1,086 sq ft) to be at 161' from the west property line, and allow continued setback of 120’ from the north property line, (as granted with Variance #1906). Also requests less the UDO required 250' setback from kennel structure to be at 231' on the west and 205' on the north property lines, and a less than UDO required 250’ setback for the runs to be at 219’ from the west property line for relocation of a kennel that was granted by variance in 2014. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Perry Township, quadrant 100, parcel 018, common location known as 6371 W 1200 N – 57 Topeka, IN.

Variance #2247 Schaller Greenhouse and Farm- Requests a Use Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03 & 5.26 HB-03) to allow a homebased business type 3 to be used in combination with adjacent parcel of 5.710+/- ac. for the addition of a 30x96 greenhouse and future expansion of greenhouses on tract (200-026) for greenhouse (seasonal) and landscaping business. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Swan Township, quadrant 200, parcel 026, common location is known as Southeast to 1825 S Old SR 3 Avilla, IN.                                                     

G.    Junk, Trash, Debris & Zoning Violations

H.    Member Reports

I.      Future Agenda Items

J.     Adjournment

Posted on March 15, 2022 .