DATE: February 1, 2023 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Conference Room in the Noble County Annex Building
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Determination of Quorum
D. Election of Officers
Vice Chair
E. Consideration of Minutes
December 7, 2022
F. Unfinished Business
G. New Business
Administrative Appeal #23-ZV350 Angela M. Hook & Troy E. Jagger- Requests the BZA, an Administrative Appeal under Article 9.08 of the Unified Development Ordinance against Notice of Zoning Violation Case #350 issued by the Zoning Administrator. Based on information available to the Appellants and their undersigned legal counsel at the time this appeal has been initiated, the grounds for the Appellants’ appeal of the Notice of Violation are as follows: 1. Appellants’ use of the Property for occupancy of recreational vehicle (RV Use) is a legal nonconforming use under Article 8.02.B.2 of the UDO. 2. All government bodies and persons identified in Article 10.01 of the UDO are each equitably estopped from attempting to enforce a claimed violation of the UDO against Appellants under relevant Indiana law. The real estate is located in Section 04 of Washington Township, quadrant 300, parcel 143, common location is known as L39 in Oak Cliff Park Subdivision and East of 0707 S. Parkside Dr. Cromwell, IN.
Administrative Appeal #23-ZV351 Randy & Kristy K. Bloom & Ed Frantz- Requests the BZA, an Administrative Appeal under Article 9.08 of the Unified Development Ordinance against Notice of Zoning Violation Case #351 issued by the Zoning Administrator. Based on information available to the Appellants and their undersigned legal counsel at the time this appeal has been initiated, the grounds for the Appellants’ appeal of the Notice of Violation are as follows: 1. Appellants’ use of the Property for occupancy of recreational vehicle (RV Use) is a legal nonconforming use under Article 8.02.B.2 of the UDO. 2. All government bodies and persons identified in Article 10.01 of the UDO are each equitably estopped from attempting to enforce a claimed violation of the UDO against Appellants under relevant Indiana law. Real estate is located in Section 04 of Washington Township, quadrant 300, parcels 154 & 171, common location is known as L50 & L67 in Oak Cliff Park Subdivision and South of 0717 S. Oakwood Dr. Cromwell, IN.
Variance #2278 Joan E Geiger - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04 & 5.33) to allow less the UDO required minimum lot frontage per parcel of 150’ to be at 60’, to create two (2) proposed subdivisions. Proposed subdivisions; 1-lot Minor & 1 Administrative, will be filed if the variance is approved. The real estate is located in Section 28 of Noble Township, quadrant 300, parcel 029, common location is known as 4805 S. SR. 109 – 57, Columbia City, IN.
H. Junk, Trash, & Debris
I. Member Reports
J. Future Agenda Items
K. Adjournment