Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission of Noble County will hold a Public Hearing to consider its recommendation regarding proposed text amendments to Noble County’s Unified Development Ordinance at its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. The hearing location is the Dekko Meeting Room, 2090 N St Rd 9, Albion IN
Summary of Proposed Changes:
A. Driveway and Street Standards are modified to incorporate the proposed Noble County Highway Construction Standards under consideration by the Noble County Commissioners. Articles affected are: Driveway Standards ( 5.14 to 5.18) , Pedestrian Network Standards (7.16), Street Access Standards (7.20), Private Street Standards (7.21 a), Residential Access Street Standards (7.23), Nonresidential Access Standards (7.24), Street Sign Standards ( 7.25), Residential Street Lighting Standards (7.26), Non-residential Street Lighting Standards (7.27), and Surety Standards (7.28), with other conforming changes made throughout the UDO.
B. Zoning District Standards (Art.2) – changes the minimum lot acreage in A1 & A3 zones; minimum area, lot width, structure heights and setback standards in A3 zone (2.08); and to permit A1 zoning next to IS district.
C. Definitions (Art. 11) -- “Parcel” and “Lot” are changed to make subdivision ordinance clearer and to distinguish platted from non-platted property, with conforming changes made to Wind Farm Overlay (Art. 3), Planned Development Districts (Article 4) and Planned Development Plan (Art. 9.11).
D. Term Change (Art. 4) --changes word “site” to “parcel” for Planned Development District (4.01).
E. Setback Standards (Art. 5)—changes infill setback procedure.
F. Subdivision Standards—changes Simple Subdivision of Land (Art. 6) to refer to new Noble County Highway Construction Standards; changes sections about intent and prerequisites in Standard Subdivision Standards (Art.9); sets maximum lot numbers for minor and simple subdivisions; preserves some larger parent tracts for further division, re-defines sub division (Art. 11), makes conforming changes to major, minor, simple and administrative subdivisions throughout Art. 6 and the UDO; Administrative Subdivision base zoning adds additional eligible zoning districts and limits right-of-way dedication (Art. 9.18G).
G. Design Standards (Art. 7) -- Corner lot setbacks reduced for LR zoning and references added to the Noble County Highway Department Construction Standards.
H. Non-Conforming Structures (Art. 8)—changes nature and extent of required loss; cross-references flood section.
I. Sign Standards, Sign Standards 5.59 A1a, B2, 2F, B3, Allowances and standards for ground signs and pole signs.
Copies of Changes: The proposed amendments are on file for examination at the Plan Commission Office and online ( along with any submitted written comments or objections.
Penalties: No changes are made to UDO penalties, but the proposed Noble County Highway Construction Standards does contain additional fees and enforcement procedures.
Objections and Comments: Written objections or comments may be filed with the Plan Commission and will be considered at any hearing. Oral comments will be heard at any scheduled hearing in accordance with the hearing rules of the Plan Commission.
Continuance of Public Hearing: At the Plan Commission’s discretion, the public hearing may be continued to other dates.
Final Consideration by the Noble County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to be made on Monday July 21, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. at 101 North Orange St, Albion, Indiana
Teresa Tackett OFFICE: 2090 North State Road 9, Suite A
Noble County Plan Commission Albion, IN 46701
Plan Commission Secretary